mindfulness and intention

simplifying your mental spaces

Are there times when the end of the day arrives and you can’t really remember what you did? Or you spent your time on meaningless things like scrolling on your phone? Or just feel like nothing got accomplished? That feeling of being on ‘auto-pilot’ where time is passing but you’re not really thinking but just doing, with no purpose or passion? Been there, done that (over and over and over again…) – I knew what I wanted to be doing but just never got to the actual ‘doing’ part. It wasn’t until I shifted my mindset with the help of mindfulness and intention that I started getting somewhere, doing something, accomplishing things – adding value and happiness to my life.

Mindfulness is like an anchor keeping us in the present. It’s a meditative tool we can use to keep our focus on what is happening right now – what we may be feeling, thinking, sensing in the moment. This keeps our minds from wandering to thoughts of worry about the future or ruminating over the past. It allows us to focus our time and attention on what we can be doing right now to grow and create happiness for ourselves instead of wishing, wanting or hoping for change in the past or future – time over which we don’t have any control. Right now in the present is the only time we can take action for ourselves.

Intention allows us to direct our focused attention. Intention drives us to check in with ourselves to ensure the action we’re taking today is serving us. It’s all about aligning the actions we take to the values we hold dear in life, because why would we bother spending time and energy on things that don’t add value and happiness to our lives?

Read the recent mindfulness and intention blog posts below to get tips and learn how you can bring mindfulness and intention into your life to help you build the simply happy life you want and deserve.

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