and they all lived simply ever after…

Well, hello there! I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m Megan and welcome to Simply Ever After. I was an always-on-the-go, stressed out workaholic and now I’m a back-to-basics enjoyer of the simple life and I want to share all the happiness of living simply with you. 

I followed all of the ‘rules’ – go to school, nail that corporate job and then fill your life with all of the possessions you’ve wished for! For years I was trapping myself under the weight of endless responsibilities and possessions, life kept getting bigger and busier but I wasn’t getting happier. I dismissed my worry since everyone leads a life like this! But, somewhere along the way I realized I didn’t want to settle for a life lived on auto-pilot, a life without reaching my maximum happiness! 

So I threw away the ‘rulebook’ and started building a simply happy, true to me life and I haven’t looked back. I want to inspire, guide and support you on your own journey to live the simple life – a life built by you, for you with space for only happiness and growth.

If you’re ready for your fairytale Simply Ever After ending, choose where’d you like to start simplifying and start reading the blog below.

read the blog

where do you want to start simplifying?