decluttering and minimalism

simplifying your physical spaces

The idea of decluttering and minimalism can be intimidating to some – at least it was to me! The thought of getting rid of as many of my things as possible or having to own a certain number of things was certainly overwhelming (and that’s okay – it is!). But, decluttering and minimalism don’t need to have a specific definition or mean you own only 25 items, it can (and will!) mean something different to everyone. It’s the end goal we’re trying to reach that we ‘minimalists’ share – creating more space, time and energy for things we love and value and getting rid of the things we don’t!

Although we can declutter and get rid of items, the true change isn’t physical but mental. We shift our perspective of thinking that more items, more stuff, more money means more happiness, elevated status and approval from others to a new thought – that items and things should only be in our lives if they serve us (literally something we use or something we love that adds value and happiness to our lives). This is a big shift that isn’t easy and not everyone will understand (the good thing is that they don’t have to, this is YOUR life to lead!). 

If you’re feeling weighed down by your possessions because of the time and energy to store them, maintain them, and whatever else is required to tend to your things you might benefit from decluttering and adopting your own version of minimalism. Read the decluttering and minimalism blog posts below to build the simply ever after life you’ve dreamed of and create more space for happiness!

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